Friday, August 19, 2011

A Weekend in the Mountains

Davin's colleague, Hilde, invited us for a weekend at her "cottage" in the mountains (which turned out to be a luxurious flat in a big building full of luxurious flats).  It's right on a lake called Tyin, about 4 hours northeast of Bergen.  We rode there in an enormous van (Hilde's husband's company's car) along with Hilde, her husband, Atle, and their two dogs.  I'm sure it was the most beautiful drive of my life.  We passed lots of fjords and waterfalls and cute little houses with grass growing on the roof.  We drove a very famous stretch of road called Stahlheimskleiva:

We went through dozens of tunnels under mountains, including the Lærdal Tunnel.  At over 15 miles long, it is the longest road tunnel in the world:

The view from the cottage was breathtaking.  Hilde had arranged for us to have our own flat (we used one that belongs to some friends of hers).  Below is a photo that was taken from the balcony.  A huge glacier is visible in the center of the picture--I'd never seen one before.

Here's a picture of Oscar and Davin that was taken inside the flat:

After we unpacked and got situated, we went up to Hilde and Atle's flat, where Hilde made an unbelievably delicious mushroom and sausage soup for dinner.

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